Thread subject: :: Some loose IDS

Posted by cornascrebe on 12-09-2006 20:05

Hi Folks

Some loose stuff in the great file known as Dont Knows - if anyone can put a name

Thank you

Colin D






Edited by cornascrebe on 12-09-2006 20:14

Posted by pierred on 12-09-2006 21:47


First one and last one are bugs (Heteroptera).

Posted by Jan Willem on 12-09-2006 22:56

2nd: Mystery 40 = Asilidae (Dioctria spec.; I think), Mystery 41 = Conopidae.
3rd: Mystery 4 = Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera)
4th: Insect 1 = Braconidae/Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera), Insect 2 = Ptychopteridae (Ptychoptera spec.), Insect 3 = Tipulidae.

Jan Willem

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 12-09-2006 23:17

pierred wrote:

First one and last one are bugs (Heteroptera).

Hemiptera Order / Heteroptera Suborder?...

Posted by proctoss on 13-09-2006 03:44

Mystery 4 - Ichneumonidae
Mystery 71 Insect 1,2 - Braconidae:|

Posted by Jan Willem on 13-09-2006 08:32

I think there is some confusion about what I meant to say with
4th: Insect 1 = Braconidae/Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera), Insect 2 = Ptychopteridae (Ptychoptera spec.), Insect 3 = Tipulidae.

I was refering to the 4th link. The first two pictures (10172 and 10239) are of Insect 1 of which I was not sure if these pictures show Braconidae or Ichneumonidae (Proctoss is probably right in considering both to be Braconidae). Insect 2 (10232 and 10229) show Ptychopteridae (Ptychoptera spec.) So Insect 2 is not Braconidae. Insect 3 (10235 and 10235xxy) show Tipulidae.

Jan Willem

Posted by crex on 13-09-2006 09:56

One species per thread would have made this topic a lot less messy ...

Posted by cornascrebe on 13-09-2006 19:44

Yes apologies it is confusing worse still when uploading and coordinating these images . However a simple logical approach would be


Not Sure. They are two different green insects on this page. The last possibly a shield bug the first I am very speculatively suggesting ???? Dycyphus epilobii ??

Not Sure

Not sure


They are three insects on this page. The middle one is Ptychoptera albimana (look at white marks on legs) The Third is A Cranefly or Tipulid

Not Sure but obviously a shield bug of sorts

Many thanks for all you had a go apologies for any confusion

Best wishes

Colin D

Edited by cornascrebe on 13-09-2006 19:53

Posted by Tony Irwin on 13-09-2006 22:03

Colin -
14A is probably Megaloceraea recticornis (Miridae)
14b is probably Orthotylus sp. (Miridae)
13 is Grypocoris sexguttatus (Miridae)
40 is Dioctria linearis (Asilidae)
41 is Physocephala rufipes (Conopidae)
And please, please, post the images, not links, to the relevant forum, one insect per thread. It's a bit more work for you, but it's a lot less work for everyone else! And these multiple url enquiries are very difficult to refer back to, so they are of limited value for others to learn from. ;)

Posted by cornascrebe on 14-09-2006 20:00

Thanks Tony

Very helpful indeed

I did try to post the images but to no avail - I now understand that the image wont view when previewed !!

Thank you to all who contributed and your hard work on this lot - certainly given me something to look atr further

Best wishes

Colin D