Thread subject: :: Heleomyzidae for ID ->Eccoptomera microps

Posted by Pentti Ketola on 03-10-2010 16:56

can anyone suggest a species this 6mm fly?
I take the photo on 3 October 2010 Kokkola, Finland.

Regards Pentti.

Edited by Pentti Ketola on 07-10-2010 21:29

Posted by Pentti Ketola on 03-10-2010 16:57


Posted by Pentti Ketola on 03-10-2010 16:57


Posted by Stephen R on 03-10-2010 16:58


Posted by Pentti Ketola on 03-10-2010 17:14

Thank you Stephen!


Posted by Andrzej on 03-10-2010 18:45

Eccoptomera. With all probability E. microps

Posted by Pentti Ketola on 03-10-2010 19:46

Andrzej wrote:
Eccoptomera. With all probability E. microps

Many thanks Andrzej!


Posted by rvanderweele on 03-10-2010 19:55

microps is still missing in my collection.

Posted by Pentti Ketola on 05-10-2010 12:19

Andrzej wrote:
Eccoptomera. With all probability E. microps

Do you think it will be possible to know the species?


Posted by Andrzej on 05-10-2010 15:03


Posted by KWQ on 07-10-2010 20:26

I think Pentti wanted to ask whether Andrzej's determination was certain, since E. microps would be a remarkably good record in Finland.

According to my notes there is only 1 more than 50-year-old locality near the eastern border of this species here. And Pentti's region is in the western coeastal area.

Posted by Andrzej on 07-10-2010 21:00

It is E. microps ;) I have recorded it this year from Bialowieza forest !

Posted by Pentti Ketola on 07-10-2010 21:25

Thank you very much for all your help! :D
