Thread subject: :: Male Antho

Posted by Roger Thomason on 02-10-2010 22:46

At banana bait...size 4mm ish.

Posted by Roger Thomason on 02-10-2010 22:46


Posted by Roger Thomason on 02-10-2010 22:47


Posted by javanerkelens on 03-10-2010 13:42

On second photo i think i can see a blunt spur on fore tibia, so could be Delia...
5-7 strong av on hindfemur+some pv apical+ 3av on hindtibia + ad and pv on foretibia + prealar shorter than notopleural seta + long interfrontals and thorax with greenish dust (olive)........could be D.antiqua.
As never can be 100% sure with photos!


Posted by javanerkelens on 04-10-2010 19:13

I have seconds doubt about my ID!
At first the blund spur is just a apical seta...
And Roger send me some more photos and they just enlarged my doubt....
Luckely he will try to collect the flies, so i hope to give a proper ID soon...

Anthomyiidae.....still lovely :D:o


Posted by verner on 19-12-2010 19:41


Image 3 gives a clear picture of the terminal segments. The flat epandrium rules out Delia. I am pretty sure that this is Botanophila fugax.


Posted by Roger Thomason on 19-12-2010 21:04

Thank you verner :)

Edited by Roger Thomason on 19-12-2010 21:04

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 19-12-2010 21:07

Welcome, Verner.