Thread subject: :: Phaonia

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 10-09-2006 10:39

Moscow region, 09 sept, 8mm.
Not collected. 2 strong presutural ac, f - black - Ph. zugmayeriae?

Posted by Andrius on 10-09-2006 17:20

And how about Muscina? They have brown tip of scutellum, as it is visible in your photo.
This is only a suggestion as I don't have a key on hand to check more closely.

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 10-09-2006 18:20

Hi Andrius.
I didn't regard Muscina, because M isn't banded to R4+5, even slightly.

Posted by Tony Irwin on 10-09-2006 22:03

I'd agree that this is a Phaonia, but I'm not certain about the species.
Nikita - can you check whether there are any hairs (apart from the usual two bristles) on the notopleuron? These hairs will be quite small, and you will need a microscope to see them. If the notopleuron is bare then I'd go for zugmayeriae. If there are any small hairs (probably around the posterior bristle) then I think it may be trimaculata.
In Britain at least, zugmayeriae should have more than just the tip of the scutellum pale, and the humeri should also have a pale ground colour.

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 10-09-2006 22:35

Thank you Tony.
I do know this hairs on the notopleuron. As I wrote, fly isn't collected.
So, after: or absent, scutellum at least apicaly red, abdomen not yellow, 2 strong presutural ac, Zimin's key gives to possibility
1. ntpl bare, f - black - Ph. zugmayeriae
2. ntpl hairy, f-? - Ph. trimaculata,
I'll compare with musem material.