Thread subject: :: Rhingia ? Big Nose

Posted by Stephen on 09-09-2006 13:42

Have I got this right, Syrphidae: Rhingia nasica?

I came up with this ID using a photo that did not show the "nose" well. Then I discovered I also had this picture of the same fly, that shows the "nose" much better, so I now feel more confident with the ID.

Confirmation or correction would be appreciated!

Posted by Tony Irwin on 09-09-2006 14:13

Yes, this is Rhingia, and as you only have the one species in the US, it must be nasica! :)

Posted by Stephen on 09-09-2006 20:29

Ah, these one species genera do make life easier. Thanks, Tony!

P.S. Safe to say this is a male?

Edited by Stephen on 09-09-2006 20:30

Posted by Tony Irwin on 09-09-2006 21:17

Yes, in this genus holoptic (touching) eyes = male