Thread subject: :: Heleomyzidae - Andrzej, help please!

Posted by eurythyrea on 25-09-2010 19:35

Dear friends, I foud this fly today in Hungary in a beech forest. Its size was 6mm long, unfortunately I have no dorsal view, after this photo it lew away.

Which genus it could be?

Thank you,

Nikola Rahmé

Edited by eurythyrea on 25-09-2010 20:11

Posted by Stephen R on 25-09-2010 19:41


Edited by Stephen R on 25-09-2010 19:42

Posted by eurythyrea on 25-09-2010 19:54

Thank you Stephen! I found here on the gallery Schroederella is similar... but I do not know.


Posted by Stephen R on 25-09-2010 20:05

I was thinking more of Suillia. If you edit the title line to 'Heleomyzidae', Andrzej will tell you what it is.

Posted by rvanderweele on 25-09-2010 20:10

Certainly no Suillia, since it has a propleural bristle

Posted by rvanderweele on 25-09-2010 20:11

And also no Sciomyzidae, Nikola, since it has a vibrissa

Posted by rvanderweele on 25-09-2010 20:13

And no Schroederella, because the fly on the photo has just 1 sternopleural bristle

Posted by rvanderweele on 25-09-2010 20:16

A pity that you have no dorsal picture. I think it has no prescutelar bristles, so it can be an eccoptomera. Let wait for Andrzej

Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 25-09-2010 20:22

I'd say Eccoptomera.

Posted by eurythyrea on 25-09-2010 20:26

Thank you folks, I saw it on, there is 19 species of Eccoptomera, longiseta does live in Hungary too. Next time i'll collect it ;)

Posted by rvanderweele on 25-09-2010 20:34

There are 6 species from Hungary known, as far as I know. I am not really sure which species, but I can imagine it is E. pallescens. But again,Andrzej will know and if he is not sure, we certainly will never know ;-)

Posted by rvanderweele on 25-09-2010 20:37

Forgot to say, Nikola, it is a great photo. I love it.

Posted by eurythyrea on 25-09-2010 20:40

Thank you Ruud, and all of you. Genus is more than enough for me!


Posted by rvanderweele on 25-09-2010 20:54

OMG,Nikola, when you go for place No.2 you will never arrive at No.1! ;-)

Posted by Andrzej on 25-09-2010 21:22

Eccoptomera longiseta :-)

Posted by eurythyrea on 25-09-2010 21:24

Andrzej, THANK YOU! :)

Posted by rvanderweele on 25-09-2010 21:29

And you let it fly away, Nikola. I do not have longiseta in my collection. Ur istenem ;-)

Posted by eurythyrea on 25-09-2010 21:34

Ruud, I'll go back for that specimen, I promise! ;)

Posted by rvanderweele on 25-09-2010 21:39

sure, and you won't be back on before you collected the specimen for me. You see my kindness...I do not even insist on a couple :D

Posted by Andrzej on 25-09-2010 21:47

the specimen is not important ! the pic is enough to see the characters.
It is the only one European species with such body colouration ;)

Posted by rvanderweele on 25-09-2010 21:54

Okay, friends, I tell you the truth, I am not telling you strong stories. I swear, you may kick me out of if you find out I am cheating the whole bunch of dipterist.
I am working on a small box of "old material' from Hungary and Croatie. 99% is Lauxaniidae. The third fly, which I picked out of the box after the little conversation about Eccoptomera and I believed again to be a Sapromyza or something similar, was E. longiseta male. As I said to you, Nikola, I do not have the species in my collection. And now I have! It is a miracle!

Posted by rvanderweele on 25-09-2010 21:56

It was collected on 23 june 2003 in the Matra, Hungary

Posted by eurythyrea on 25-09-2010 22:02

Congrats Ruud! So I do not have to go back tomorrow :-) Anyway it began raining :( here in Budapest.

Posted by rvanderweele on 25-09-2010 22:04

From the same day and location I found in the little box now also an Eccoptomera obscura male. But this is not new to me. I collected in also in Budapest