Thread subject: :: Dolichopodidae

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 26-05-2005 21:30

I know this little fly is in the family Dolichopodidae, but I am not very aware of the species in this particular family.
Can anybody tell me what species or genus I pictured here?
Photo was taken in the south west part of the Netherlands in the coastal dunes of Voorne.
Thanks and Greetings,

Posted by Paul Beuk on 26-05-2005 23:09

I think Dolichopus urbanus but I will check tomorrow. ;)

Posted by Kahis on 26-05-2005 23:31


As far as I can tell from the pic, it's a male of Dolichopus ungulatus L.. The main characters of this species are: yellow femora, black postocular setae, two or more anterior preapical setae on hind femur. In the field ungulatus is more robust than other large Dolichopus-species without leg ornaments (D. brevipennis has similar habitus and conspicuously modified tarsal segments).

Edited by Kahis on 26-05-2005 23:32

Posted by Kahis on 26-05-2005 23:37

BTW identifying genus Dolichopus in Europe is very easy; no other North/Central Europan genus has strong setae on the first segment of the hind tarsus. Most Dolichopus have at least two strong dorsal seta, a few only one. These setae are well visible in your picture.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 27-05-2005 09:06

Kahis wrote:
As far as I can tell from the pic, it's a male of Dolichopus ungulatus L.

I realised I had typed in the wrong name after about ten minutes, but by that time the computer had been switched off and I was in bed. :D

Posted by Marc Pollet on 13-09-2009 15:10

Dear all,

I gladly confirm the identity of this specimen as D. ungulatus, possibly the second most common species in Western Europe.


Dr Marc Pollet (