Thread subject: :: Empid fly ?

Posted by LordV on 08-09-2006 08:59

I assume this is a dance fly ? Taken 07/09/06 South coast UK body length about 5mm

any futher ID ?
Thanks Brian V.

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 08-09-2006 09:38


after all, amazing and stunning photos... as usual!

I would vote for Empididae fly too. :)

I will take a risk and tell this could be an Empis sp. ?

Posted by Stephen on 08-09-2006 11:05

Sure looks like a Dance Fly to me: big hump-backed thorax, tapering abdomen, round head, and prominent probocis. The only thing that makes me pause is, I have read that the eyes do not meet on Dance Flies. It looks to me like the eyes do meet on this fly.

Posted by Jan Willem on 08-09-2006 13:07

Empididae, no doubt about it! But whether it's Empis or Rhamphomyia I can't see.

Jan Willem