Thread subject: :: Lauxaniidae/Anthomyiidae? - 11/09/2010

Posted by Jeroen K on 18-09-2010 17:07

11/09/2010, my garden, Kapellen, Belgium. Lauxaniidae (or perhaps Anthomyiidae) I think, but is further ID possible? I kept the specimen, so additional pictures could be made up if necessary. Thanks in advance!

Edited by Jeroen K on 18-09-2010 17:22

Posted by Jeroen K on 18-09-2010 17:07

Picture 2:

Posted by rvanderweele on 18-09-2010 17:15

it is certainly no Lauxaniidae

Posted by Jeroen K on 18-09-2010 17:21

Thanks Ruud, how can you see it?

Posted by rvanderweele on 18-09-2010 17:51

Because I can see it is an calypterate, and the lauxaniidae are acalypterate

Posted by javanerkelens on 18-09-2010 20:41

Indeed Anthomyiidae
Botanophila or Delia species...
Also a female , so will be very difficult to go further on it...


Posted by Jeroen K on 19-09-2010 14:27

Thanks a lot, Ruud and Joke. So no species ID, but can I provide a bit of information that would give away the genus?

Posted by javanerkelens on 19-09-2010 15:23

Can you give me close shot of the occiput or can you tell me if on the top of the occiput there is one row of stronger hairs and no rows of hairs directly below them (mostly bare in the mid, at the sides maybe there can be also some stronger hairs)
Or are there several rows of hairs belowe the first row of hairs on top....


Posted by Jeroen K on 27-09-2010 20:01

I tried to make a closer shot, but quality is bad. Sufficient?

Edited by Jeroen K on 27-09-2010 20:02

Posted by Jeroen K on 27-09-2010 20:03

Picture 2:

Posted by javanerkelens on 27-09-2010 20:47

It is a Delia!
(looks like the common D.platura, but can't be sure)
No further to go...;)


Posted by Jeroen K on 27-09-2010 21:16

Many thanks, Joke!