Thread subject: :: Neoleria inscripta (2 shots) - ID confirmed by Andrzej

Posted by Walther Gritsch on 16-09-2010 00:02


Inspired by this thread http://www.dipter...ost_147389 I assume that this is Neoleria inscripta. I collected two male specimens on a long dead Blackbird (Turdus merula) on 31. vii 2010 in deciduous forest just outside Copenhagen.
It runs smoothly through the key in Bei-Bienko. Are there any lookalikes this key may not cover?

No matter what Neoleria sp. they seem to be scarce judging by the number of specimens in the collections at the zoological museum in Copenhagen. Hardly the whole truth, I reckon – or...?

Thanks in advance.


Edited by Walther Gritsch on 16-09-2010 12:37

Posted by Walther Gritsch on 16-09-2010 00:03

Genitalia close-up

Posted by Andrzej on 16-09-2010 07:11

The yellow humerus and scutellum is typical for N. inscripta. The body colouration varies to more brownish, sometimes greyish dusted body (small specimens , syn. N. minuta).

Posted by rvanderweele on 16-09-2010 07:27

These photo's are fantastic! So clear, so bright. My compliments.

Andrzej, I will put yr remark about the humerus and scutellum in the key of Laci. But he mentioned also the apical bristle on the 3rd femur, which is present at ruficeps and absent for this not a valid characteristic?



Posted by Walther Gritsch on 16-09-2010 12:51

Thanks for the compliments, Ruud.
Photo stacking makes excellent identification pics.

And Andrzej, thank you for confirming my ID.
The zoological museum in Copenhagen has only 3 N. inscripta. Is that in any way reflecting the actual status of the species? Or rather a lack of collectors of Diptera... ;)