Thread subject: :: Heleomyzidae: big Suillia (11.09.10)

Posted by Juergen Peters on 13-09-2010 01:47


This Suillia measured 10 mm or more. ID possible?

At our garden shed, northwest Germany, on Saturday.

Posted by rvanderweele on 13-09-2010 21:32

I have seen so many Suillia's , but still find it uneasy to conclude from such a vague photo which species it. The scutellum is not that clear, though I think there are only some tiny bristles on the sides. The arista? Is it plumose?
If you put a gun on my head I would say S. notata. Yet, the first pair of femora are so thick. Andrzej, what do you think?

Posted by Juergen Peters on 13-09-2010 21:51

Hello, Ruud!

rvanderweele wrote:
I have seen so many Suillia's , but still find it uneasy to conclude from such a vague photo which species it.

Yes, I know... I still have dozens of Suillia photos from last autumn in my "unidentified" folder and am still indecisive, if I should post at least some of them here. This was a new one, and I spontaneously gave it a try. What could I lose...? ;)

The scutellum is not that clear, though I think there are only some tiny bristles on the sides. The arista? Is it plumose?
If you put a gun on my head I would say S. notata.

Thanks. I'm afraid, I can't say whether the arista is plumous. I think, from a given (not so good) photo specialists like you or Andrzej will have the bigger experience to judge that. Unfortunately this is my only picture of the animal.

Posted by rvanderweele on 13-09-2010 21:57

Are these pictures clearer? If you like you can mail them me and I will have a look

Posted by Juergen Peters on 14-09-2010 00:23

Hello, Ruud!

rvanderweele wrote:
Are these pictures clearer?

Some may, some may not...

If you like you can mail them me and I will have a look

Thanks for your offer. But you should be careful ;): I have just counted 270 pics of genus Suillia alone from 2008+2009. I will take a look at them in the next days. Maybe some are clear enough to give them a try...