Thread subject: :: Platycheirus splendidus? (1) male

Posted by blowave on 10-09-2010 20:08


I had thought this might be Platycheirus splendidus, I have pics of a male on two occasions on 2nd September, and one pic from 6th September.

All taken in my garden a few miles south of Lincoln UK. Old woodlands and heathlands type habitat.

3 pics of the first one (one is a crop), I should put the others on a thread of their own so I will and number them!

Headaches all round. ;)

Janet :)

Posted by blowave on 10-09-2010 20:09

pic 2

Posted by blowave on 10-09-2010 20:09


Posted by Andre on 15-09-2010 23:39

This looks like scutatus allright.

Posted by blowave on 16-09-2010 11:48

Thanks Andre, the tarsae sections sort of looked a curved shape which was confusing. :)