Thread subject: :: Geomyza nigra

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 06-09-2006 15:39

Moscow region, 06 sept, 2,5mm.
G. apicalis?

Posted by Jan Willem on 06-09-2006 20:24

Hi Nikita,

I can hardly imagine this will turn out to be Geomyza apicalis. But this is another one which needs study of the genitalia! You certainly collect interesting material!! Keep up the good work!

Jan Willem

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 07-09-2006 08:57

OK Jan, next week I'll send you material.
Be aware, please, mong 9 Geomyzas collected 06-09 two pairs copulated inside my exgauster - 1pair of G. combinata and 1 pair of this mysterios black Geomyza.

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 07-09-2006 08:57

OK Jan, next week I'll send you material.
Be aware, please, among 9 Geomyzas collected 06-09 two pairs copulated inside my exgauster - 1pair of G. combinata and 1 pair of this mysterios black Geomyza.

Posted by Jan Willem on 07-09-2006 11:49

Hi Nikita,

I can hardly wait! The pairs are especially interesting! I hope you indicated on the lables which specimens you found in copula.

Jan Willem

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 07-09-2006 14:28

Jan, how could I indicate? I collected one by one, than collected flies began to copulate.
Two pair among totaly of 9 Geomyza inside the only exgauster I had with me in the field, without ethilacetat with me?! I didn't find solution.
But if, for example, you will discover that among 9 flies collected 06-09 there are, for example, two male of G. hackmani and one female of G. combinata, that female is G. hackmani too.
P.S. Today I collected separately copulated pair of G. combinata! You will get both flies on same pin.

Posted by Jan Willem on 07-09-2006 15:50

Hi Nikita,

You are right ofcourse. I didn't realise you had several specimens of Geomyza in your exhauster at the same time.
Identifying the females of the combinata group isn't a problem! I don't need the accompanying males for that purpose, but a little extra confirmation is always good:).

Jan Willem