Thread subject: :: Bristles, Yellow Abdomen

Posted by Stephen on 05-09-2006 10:36

Subfamily Tachininae? The thorax reminds me of genus Archytas.

The Tachinids with a yellow or orange abdomen I found were in genera Adejeania, Paradejeania, and Hystricia, but most of these had orange abdomens, not yellow like in my photo. Also, the abdomens were more bristly in those genera, and the abdomens were fatter in those genera.

This fly was photographed on a squash leaf, in an open area near woodlands, West Virginia USA, 3 September 2006. Length: 8 mm.

ID help appreciated!

Edited by Stephen on 05-09-2006 10:53

Posted by Stephen on 05-09-2006 10:37

A second view.

Posted by ChrisR on 05-09-2006 10:53

Certainly looks like a tachinid - but one for Jim & Monty I think :D

Posted by Zeegers on 05-09-2006 19:56

The palpi are peculiar, but otherwise the species looks quite different from Archytas. Seems to be more somewhere near Leskiini or Bithia-like.
Clausicella should have peculiar mouthpart.
As always, new world disclaimer


Posted by Stephen on 11-09-2006 22:07

Thanks so much to Jim O'Hara for his ID and comments, and thanks to Chris for suggesting I send the photo to him. And thanks to Theo, as you can see Jim agreed with you about Leskiini. Anyhow here are Jim's comments:

"Your tachinid fly is Genea texensis (Townsend) in the tribe Leskiini. The elongated palpus is one of the characteristics of this species."

Posted by Zeegers on 12-09-2006 19:47


Far outside my area of competention, it still made sense.
Good to hear !
