Thread subject: :: maybe Syrphidae?

Posted by Margarita Auer on 30-08-2010 22:07

Dear members,

A fly , size 5-6 mm
Found 27.8.10 garden in Lower Austria, near Vienna.
I have no orientation.

Thank You for Your help

Margarita Auer

Posted by rvanderweele on 30-08-2010 22:21

Yes, it is a Syrphidae, an Eumerus, but the specialist will decide which species, I hope.

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 30-08-2010 23:09

Too difficult from a picture I'm afraid, so female Eumerus sp.! :D

Posted by Margarita Auer on 31-08-2010 09:59

Thanks a lot- I am with the genus happy enough.

Best regards
