Posted by Stephen on 04-09-2006 11:03
I am thinking that nothing in Diptera is as furry as Psychodidae?
On our bathroom curtain. Size was 2.9 mm.
Edited by Stephen on 04-09-2006 11:06
Posted by Andrius on 04-09-2006 11:19
You are absolutely correct about this creature being Psychodidae ;) Although I guess we could find other quite hairy flies in that vaste world of Diptera.
Posted by Xespok on 04-09-2006 13:14
Well, these might easily be the most ancient Dipterans still existing.
Even Genus level identification from this image is quite hopeless. Could well be Psychoda sp since this fly keeps its wings tilted in a rooflike fashion.
Psychoda alternata the most common species in this genus with a cosmopolitan distribution is very similar to your image, but it has fewer spots on the inner margin of the wing. I do not know whether this feature is variable though.
Edited by Xespok on 04-09-2006 13:16
Posted by Stephen on 04-09-2006 17:25
Andrius, Xespok, thanks very much for your help with this one!