Thread subject: :: Sciomyzidae

Posted by conopid on 04-09-2006 09:42

Hello Dipterists,
I am venturing into Sciomyzidae now and have just keyed out my first specimen, using Rozkosny's Fennoscandia key. How have I done - is the fly below Tetanocera? I make it T silvatica, but some of the key charcaters are hard to be sure about without comparative material, so it's very hard to be sure of the ID.

Posted by conopid on 09-09-2006 10:00

Did anyone have an opinion on this? Comment gratefully received.

Posted by Kahis on 09-09-2006 10:09

Definitely Tetanocera. Large, reddish specimens are usually T. robusta but colour is not a reliable character.

Posted by conopid on 09-09-2006 15:23

Many thanks Kahis.