Thread subject: :: Help with caterpillar ID please

Posted by nick smith on 19-08-2010 13:53

Hi, I favour Phragmatobia fuliginosa but most of the photos of these seem darker? Photographed 09/8/2010, not assocciated with any particular food plants - just walking along! Approx 50mm long?
SE Kent, UK

Posted by nick smith on 19-08-2010 13:53

2nd similar photo

Posted by Jeroen K on 19-08-2010 14:27

Maybe you can find it with the Caterpillar Search from

Posted by Cesa on 19-08-2010 14:37

I saw a caterpillar with somewhat similar colouration in Bosnia that emerged afterwards as Hyphantria cunea!

Posted by nick smith on 27-08-2010 00:13

Info gathered from other sites indicate that this is probably a caterpillar from Spilosoma luteum (buff ermine) moth.