Thread subject: :: Sorry - another syrphidae!

Posted by nick smith on 18-08-2010 01:11

Can anyone identify this syrphidae (I hope I have that right at least). These were very numerous during early August but I can't really find a likeness in the gallery.
The littel 'pringle' moustaches on the abdomen look like it ought to make ID easy but I've not found anything similar.
SE Kent, UK 10/08/2010

Posted by nick smith on 18-08-2010 01:11

2nd photo

Posted by nick smith on 18-08-2010 01:12


Posted by nick smith on 18-08-2010 01:12

Close up of a wing

Posted by ChrisR on 18-08-2010 01:18

Episyrphus balteatus - the commonest syrphid in summer - numbers boosted by a huge influx of migrants from northern Europe :) Nice photos

Posted by nick smith on 18-08-2010 01:22

Thanks Chris - I literally just looked up 'hover flies' on google after posting the above and found some photos - came up with Episyrphus balteatus and re-checked the gallery, the photo of male (2) shows the abdomen marks, I missed that when trawling through the photos first time!
But useful to get it ID by someone - thanks

Posted by ChrisR on 18-08-2010 01:23

They're fairly variable but there's nothing else with markings that look anything like that :)