Thread subject: :: Tabanidae

Posted by Eric Steckx on 03-09-2006 15:12


Picture taken in France (Cantal).
I guess Tabanus glaucopis
Right ?
Thanks for your judgements

Posted by Zeegers on 03-09-2006 15:26


Please always take face-frontal pictures of Tabanidae.
It is impossible to be sure whether this is glaucopis from this picture, though it could very well be so.

Theo Zeegers

Posted by Eric Steckx on 03-09-2006 15:39

Thanks Theo,
Too late for this one but from now I'll never forget again.
According to date and location (Massif Central, 800m, stony way near a dry meadow), what are the other possible species ?

Posted by Zeegers on 03-09-2006 17:43

Well, if it is from France, I can see no alternative than T. glaucopis.

It must be said, that glaucopis has been split by some authors (Portillo, partly following Peus) into several. Probably with good reason.
It's impossible to tell from the picture which one in this complex this could be and I don't know enough about their distribution. Most of these are Iberian.

So, T. glaucopis s.l. and probably s.s.
