Thread subject: :: Tachinid fly?

Posted by Jan Zwaaneveld on 02-09-2006 22:50

Yesterday I photographed this spiky fly, which looks like a member of the Tachinidae family to me. I recently learned that there are lots and lots of black and grey Tachinidae, so perhaps id to species level is not possible. On the other hand, who knows, so here it is:

Posted by ChrisR on 03-09-2006 01:15

Looks like a tachinid to me too :D But not sure which species - can't really see enough :(

Posted by crex on 03-09-2006 10:29

Is that (maroon?) color of the scutellum common?

Posted by ChrisR on 03-09-2006 12:06

It's actually faintly orange ... ignoring any grey dusting over the top, tachinids usually either have black or varying degrees of orange chitin on the scutellum. In some lights this can look a little red but most keys will refer to only black or orange. :)

Posted by crex on 03-09-2006 12:59

Sounds like adjusting the reality according to the keys ;)

Posted by Zeegers on 03-09-2006 15:36

The pic is consistent with Phryxe vulgaris, a very common species.
Especially the broad vertex in male (this is a male) in combination with erect apical scutellar bristles and hairy eyes = Phryxe in 90 % of the cases.
Most, probably Phryxe vulgaris.

Theo Zeegers

Posted by Jan Zwaaneveld on 03-09-2006 18:46

Thank you, Theo, that is more than I dared to expect! Unfortunately, the fly only allowed one picture. But since it's very common, I will probably get another chance one of these days.