Thread subject: :: Cyrtopogon pyrenaeus (Courtship)

Posted by picotverd on 08-08-2010 17:45

Yesterday, Spain!, Pyrenees...

Edited by picotverd on 10-04-2022 20:42

Posted by picotverd on 08-08-2010 17:53

...another view, then flied away...

Edited by picotverd on 10-04-2022 20:52

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 08-08-2010 18:17

Rámon, this is a fantastic asilid!!

Posted by Quaedfliegh on 10-08-2010 22:07

It is not Pamponerus, the white seems to be hair on the first segments of the abdomen and not part of the wing. This creature seems to lack a facial protuberance and wing veination is also pointing in an other direction..........I'm going to track this thread for i want to know too what this is:|

Posted by Mark van Veen on 11-08-2010 20:34

Even not in the Asilinae subfamiliy. The frontal wing cell is open. Have a look at Cyrtopogon and allies.

Posted by Quaedfliegh on 11-08-2010 22:08

Last night I looked by default at Cyrtopogon because i ended up in Holopogon and knew that had to be wrong.......I can't find a useful key and comparing pictures lead to nothing......I just keep on tracking......

Posted by sd on 25-08-2010 20:56

How about Crobilocerus?

"bee-like flies with dense white or black and white hairs on sides of abdominal tergites. Antennae ending in a tuft of bristle-like hairs" Majer in Contrib Man Pal Diptera

Fauna Europea list C. auriger for France


Posted by sd on 25-08-2010 21:58

no, cannot be, now I've seen the later thread with a a close up of the antennae which have normal arista:|
So is it a particularly hairy cyrtopogon? Asilidae are so tricky:)

Posted by Mark van Veen on 27-08-2010 09:11

I took my old friend Engel (1938): Cyrtopogon pyrenaicus. In translation: (7-, p. 323) front tarsae in both sexes yellow, only the last segment darkened. In both sexes, the 2-5th tergite yellow dusted in the centre and with golden yellow hairs, also the hind margins yellow dusted. The anal segment shining black, short and dense haired in the male, bare in the female. Intriguing remark of Engel: -pulchripes would key out here according to Loew-

Posted by picotverd on 27-08-2010 10:32

Thank you everybody.
Found this: (see drawings from pag. 81)
You can compare with the photo amplied...

Edited by picotverd on 27-08-2010 10:36

Posted by Mark van Veen on 27-08-2010 10:58

what is the conclusion?

Posted by picotverd on 27-08-2010 11:24

ja, ja, ja
The conclusions for the professionals... I am very amateur...
It seems the wing veneration doesn' feet perfectly although the photo is a little perpendicular.
The description you mentioned seems it feets very much.

Edited by picotverd on 27-08-2010 11:53

Posted by picotverd on 27-08-2010 11:54

By the way, this description could feet with my -some days ago- post: (?)

Posted by Quaedfliegh on 27-08-2010 20:11

Cyrtopogon pyrenaicus it is (?)

Nice Mark, your old friend i just ordered a copy of Engel, palearctic Asilidae 1930 had to come from the US. Can't wait...:) It is a bit older than yours, hope there haven't been too many changes.

Edited by Quaedfliegh on 27-08-2010 20:13

Posted by Dysmachus on 12-09-2010 12:30

I have a male specimen of Cyrtopogon pyrenaicus in my collection and it fits perfectly with the photograph.

Posted by picotverd on 05-08-2012 20:15

New photos from this year...

Posted by picotverd on 05-08-2012 20:17

In love... More photos if desired...

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 07-08-2012 19:22

amazing series. And I think the correct spelling is Cyrtopogon pyrenaeus...
We want more photos, of course! ;)

Edited by jorgemotalmeida on 07-08-2012 19:23

Posted by picotverd on 10-04-2022 20:41

From august `21 I add some links to Cyrtopogon pyrenaeus courtship...

A salutation