Thread subject: :: Psilidae, Psilosoma sp.

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 08-08-2010 17:39

In the high north of Russia near Vorkuta I caught a pair of Psilids in the genus Psilosoma (male with enlarged hind femora).
As you can see the hind femur of the male is enlarged and arched, and it also has strange processes on the ventral base of this hind femur. It is not P. lefebvrei (hind femur looks different according to Bei-Bienko), so according to Fauna europaea it should be P. audouini.
Or is it something else?


Edited by Gerard Pennards on 08-08-2010 17:47

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 08-08-2010 17:40


Posted by Gerard Pennards on 08-08-2010 17:40

Hind femur of male

Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 08-08-2010 22:19

I agree with Psilosoma audouini. Differing from P. lefebvrei by having no orbital and no dorsocentral (prescutellar), plus characteristic femur in male. The male is illustrated in Seguy (Faune de France no 28).

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 09-08-2010 10:11

Many thanks Stephane!
I looked at the russian keys of Bei-Bienko but there only lefebvrei was mentioned, and it's hind femur didn't look like this.
I also have the Faune de France nr. 28 so I saw the drawing of P.audouini. I didn't realise this species could also occur in France, because it was found way up North!