Thread subject: :: Tachinidae copula? Dexia rustica maybe

Posted by picotverd on 08-08-2010 17:35

Yesterday at spanish pyrenees...

Edited by picotverd on 25-08-2010 20:12

Posted by picotverd on 08-08-2010 17:36

another view...

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 08-08-2010 17:38


Posted by ChrisR on 08-08-2010 19:03

Something like Dinera grisescens perhaps? I'm not sure what other species you have there though :)

Posted by picotverd on 08-08-2010 20:38

Well, a lot of genus, but Dinera just three: carinifrons, ferina, and grisescens.

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 08-08-2010 20:54

it is not carinifrons.

Posted by ChrisR on 08-08-2010 21:02

nor ferina - hence my guess :D

Posted by Jaakko on 10-08-2010 11:06

The top cell is open. The legs are too pale to be Dinera, I would go to the direction of Bithia and friends.

Posted by ChrisR on 10-08-2010 11:52

Hmm ... good call ... too many to choose from in Spain :S

Posted by Zeegers on 10-08-2010 20:57

The head is very peculiar, or am I tricked by the view of angle ? Anyway, Microphthalma europaea ?


Posted by Jaakko on 11-08-2010 09:51

On a second look, maybe they do not belong to Tachininae... Iīve never seen Microphthalma, I passed it in the key because these donīt have the long appendix on the m-vein bend...

Edited by Jaakko on 11-08-2010 09:52

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 11-08-2010 10:46

I would agree with M. europaea, but I agree the angle of view is tricky with these-.

Posted by Zeegers on 11-08-2010 17:24

I don't (nice picture, by the way). The appendix is lacking and moreover the colouration of legs is totally different.
So the only other option would be Dexia rustica.


Posted by picotverd on 12-09-2014 18:50

Well, this shot is from some weeks ago at spanish pyrenees, 08/03/14, is it the same species? Colouration appears different....

Posted by Zeegers on 13-09-2014 09:14

Hi Pictoverd

This is clearly the male of Dexia rustica. Whether it is conspecific with the other one, I couldn't tell.
