Thread subject: :: Tachina fera?

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 02-09-2006 16:24

Moscow region, 10mm, 02 sept, on Solidago

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 02-09-2006 16:31


Posted by Zeegers on 02-09-2006 21:32

difficult to tell whether it is fera or magnicornis.


Posted by Robert Heemskerk on 02-09-2006 22:30

Hi Nikita and Theo,

Can the black backstripe tell whether it is fera or magnicornis?

Tachina fera - black stroke walks from broad to thin -(seen from head to back)


Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 02-09-2006 22:35

Thank you Theo, I hoped that life views are somehow enought for you. I used for ID shape of black stripe on abdomen...

Posted by Zeegers on 03-09-2006 15:28

Oke, that suggests fera. This feature is, however, variable, as are all others.
Also use: colour of tarsi, colour of hairs on gena and parafacialia, shape and colour of third antennal segment.
Most of these suggest fera, in your case


Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 03-09-2006 20:01

Thank you Theo.