Thread subject: :: Fly with "floral" wings
Posted by lynkos on 01-09-2006 13:18
I photographed this very distinctive fly with "floral pattern" wings yesterday on the edge of a drinking trough for cattle in an oak wood near Rome (Italy). It was about 10 mm long. Unfortunately it only gave me time for this one photograph, but it is so unusual, perhaps it is enough.
Thanks, Sarah.
Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 01-09-2006 13:34
Hi Sarah.
I think it is male of Haematopota sp., Tabanidae.
Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 01-09-2006 13:46
Nikita Vikhrev wrote:
Hi Sarah.
I think it is male of Haematopota sp., Tabanidae.
What a fly! Is it fly that appears in avatar of Tony Irwin? :) They have such pattern in the eyes!
Posted by lynkos on 01-09-2006 15:43
It was really beautiful and I just wish it had stayed longer so that I could take more photos. Thanks Nikita for the ID, Sarah.
Posted by Tony Irwin on 01-09-2006 15:44
Yes, it is
Haematopota that is my avatar, but I have the female with the pretty eyes and sharp mouthparts! ;) The males do not bite, and only the lower quarter of their eyes is marked. The upper facets are enlarged and plain-coloured.