Thread subject: :: Strange fly...

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 31-08-2006 14:45


This fly was taken by a friend of mine on 30th August 2006 in PERTH - Australia.

ID please...

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 31-08-2006 14:48

Another view

Posted by Steve Gaimari on 31-08-2006 19:55

beautiful photos!

This is in the family Lauxaniidae. Definitely in the genus Steganopsis, and very probably Steganopsis melanogaster (I know it from eastern Australia, but have no specimens from the west - doesn't mean it isn't there though!). Speaking for the external morphology, it is identical to Steganopsis melanogaster - but you never know with lauxaniids what might be going on inside ;) The species is widespread - being at least in in eastern Australia (Queensland, NSW) as well as New Caledonia.