Posted by Stephen on 31-08-2006 10:42
Is this fly in family Muscidae? The arista are plumose (hard to see, but are they plumose only on one side?).
The slight stripes on a gray thorax made me think of Muscidae too, and the eyes look like a Muscid I just posted (though I didn't recognize it as a Muscid).
Length was 5.6 mm. Photographed 5 August 2006, in an open area near woodland, West Virginia USA.
Posted by Stephen on 31-08-2006 10:46
Second image, the whole fly.
Posted by Tony Irwin on 31-08-2006 21:37
Looks like Muscidae to me, but I don't recognise the species, and can't see the characters needed to key it to genus. Someone more familiar with the Nearctic fauna may be able to help.