Thread subject: :: pscocoptera sp.

Posted by Robert Heemskerk on 16-07-2010 19:35

hi other insectforum,

Anyone familair with this kind of pscocoptera?
It would be nice if someone can tell me something abtout it.
I've never seen them here before..

If necessary, I can make a crop with more detail from this psocoptera sp.

place: Amsterdam forest
date: 15-07-2010

Posted by Dmitry Gavryushin on 16-07-2010 20:50

Lachesilla sp. (antennae of 13 segments, tarsi of 2 segments, areola postica is free of vein M, veins Rs and M fused for considerable part of their length, forewings without hairs). Don't be confused, upper margin of forewing is where dark pterostigma visible, i.e. directed inwards (to abdomen) in your image.

Posted by Robert Heemskerk on 17-07-2010 00:47

Thank you very much Black,

'In the meantime', I got a message of Bob Saville.
He is writing that he is surprised the website is down and he informed the BRC about it. It will hopefully be fixed early next week.

Earlier I sent Bob this picture of the Psocoptera and his conclusion is that this species is: Elipsocus hyalinus.

IF the website is online next week, I'll like to find out what differences I can find between these species.

greeting Robert,

Edited by Robert Heemskerk on 17-07-2010 00:48

Posted by Dmitry Gavryushin on 17-07-2010 02:11

I think that Bob Saville is right, sorry for probably misleading you - knowing veins are pubescent and tarsi of 3 segments instead of 2 would quite easily lead me to same or close :|