Thread subject: :: Calyptrata > Tachinidae cf Nemorilla floralis

Posted by Stephen R on 15-07-2010 16:09

c.6mm Clitheroe UK July 13.

I only got one shot before it flew. Can anyone help?

Edited by Stephen R on 15-07-2010 20:03

Posted by ChrisR on 15-07-2010 16:43

Perhaps something like Nemorilla floralis? The more convincing features aren't visible but Nemorilla do look similar to this one.

Posted by Stephen R on 15-07-2010 20:01

Thanks Chris. I'll look out for another. It seems to be tachinid time here - I photographed another Medina separata male today.


Posted by ChrisR on 15-07-2010 20:09

I have noticed a lot of Eriothrix rufomaculata but haven't seen much else for a week or so here. I should get out to the nearest nature reserve and check it out ... when the wind and drizzle stops :)