Thread subject: :: Chloropidae fly?

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 27-08-2006 18:41

Hi flyforum :)

Taken today, 27th August 2006 in Silgueiros - Viseu - PORTUGAL.

This fly appears when I realized that some pillbugs (Isopoda) were died...

Chloropidae fly? If so, is it possible genus? About 3 mm (?). Very small indeed.

Posted by Tony Irwin on 27-08-2006 19:15

Not Chloropidae - the yellow species are never as bristly as this appears to be. I think this is Palloptera (Pallopteridae). Paul may be able to suggest a species.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 27-08-2006 19:21

I'd rather say it is Lauxaniidae...

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 27-08-2006 19:22

Tony Irwin wrote:
Not Chloropidae - the yellow species are never as bristly as this appears to be. I think this is Palloptera (Pallopteridae). Paul may be able to suggest a species.

Again... but the wings haven?t marks in wings... as I see in dipter gallery, and abdomen tip is not so angular... but a little round tip... yes, it's true that this fly has bristles. In some way, this fly seems so much interested in pillbugs...
Thanks! Wait for more answers! ;)

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 27-08-2006 19:24

Paul Beuk wrote:
I'd rather say it is Lauxaniidae...

oh.. no! more Lauxaniidae flies. :( I want new family flies. :)

Posted by Tony Irwin on 27-08-2006 19:57

Did I say Palloptera? - my blood sugar must be low! ;)

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 27-08-2006 21:21

Tony Irwin wrote:
Did I say Palloptera? - my blood sugar must be low! ;)


You must prove "Viriato" pastel. :) It is a good dessert from Viseu. And it is, indeed, very sweet... so, you would have lots of glycosis. :)
But, look out for flies... because they like a lot of "Viriato". :))