Thread subject: :: Delia platura / florilega

Posted by cyprinoid on 04-07-2010 18:11

Norway, 04.07.10, small, maybe 4-5mm

Edited by cyprinoid on 12-07-2010 10:29

Posted by cyprinoid on 04-07-2010 18:12


Posted by javanerkelens on 04-07-2010 22:26
#3 of the difficult terrible one's :D

From what i can see...most probable Delia florilega / platura
Can't tell the different between those two in female, only D.florilega is much smaller and setae on thorax is less strong....


Posted by cyprinoid on 05-07-2010 21:52

Thanks Joke, I must add that it is probably the smallest Anthomyiid I have photographed.

Posted by javanerkelens on 05-07-2010 22:26

Most of the Delia florilega male i collected where very small (3-4mm).
But for some strange reason i can't manage to collect male and female of Delia platura / florilega at the same time.
It is mostly only the male......and when i collect some female i always have doubt which one is which....:@


Edited by javanerkelens on 05-07-2010 22:27

Posted by cyprinoid on 09-07-2010 19:37

Hopefully, I have collected some ;)

Posted by javanerkelens on 09-07-2010 20:50

I am already waiting by the mailbox for your first sending ....:D
Particular curious about the one's your son collected...LOL
