Thread subject: :: Syrphidae. ->Leucozona glaucia.

Posted by Pentti Ketola on 03-07-2010 15:13

can anyone suggest a species this Syrphidae?
I take the photo on 3 July 2010 Kokkola Finland.

Regards Pentti

Edited by Pentti Ketola on 04-07-2010 06:00

Posted by Pentti Ketola on 03-07-2010 15:14


Posted by Pentti Ketola on 03-07-2010 15:14


Edited by Pentti Ketola on 03-07-2010 15:15

Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 03-07-2010 16:17

Male Leucozona glaucia.

Posted by Pentti Ketola on 04-07-2010 05:59

Many thanks Stephane.


Posted by Andre on 04-07-2010 09:52

Became rare here during the decades, but still common in Finland (you lucky b*stards)...

Posted by Pentti Ketola on 04-07-2010 10:07

Andre wrote:
(you lucky b*stards)...

Would too good to be true…;)

I am using the google translator
