Thread subject: :: General Diptera

Posted by paqui on 26-08-2006 21:29

I?ve foundt in (I supose it will be in other bookshops too) a nice field guide:
-Title: Guide des mouches et des moustiques
-Author: J. and H. Haupt
-hardcover, 352 pages
-editor: Delachaux et niestl?
-year: 2000 (original edition 1998: Fliegen und M?cken, german),
-price: approx 30e

it has many interesting comments:

*- Diptera?s speed: Tabanidae (about Kahis?comment they seem heat-missiles) can fly at 22Km/h. Cephenemyidae 40Km/h!!! are they perceptible or it?s you just feel something?s unbrushed your hair?:o

*-Ormia: it?s got "ears". Nice, i saw a tv program about it; an investigation tryng to find better ways to help people with hearing (??) problems. A poor nice Ormia was trapped over a painted ball (fixed too). They reporduced in a room the sound of a cricket coming from different sides and so the fly moved its legs in one or other direction following that sound, making the ball roll on the contrary direction!! ...

Posted by paqui on 30-06-2009 00:28

sorry, as I've lost the trace I donīt know if this is posted, itīs edited as dvd coming from a tv series:

La guerre des mouches (mouches a tout faire)
Mona lia production, Berrod, 2000

Flies in art, as meal, forensic use, etc.

It doesenīt come with that cover, but itīs interesting and there are others for spiders... :)