Thread subject: :: Dasysyrphus venustus?

Posted by nick upton on 26-06-2010 17:05

Can anyone confirm this tentative ID for a dark hover with yellow abdominal marks reaching the sides of the abdomen? Wing markings look right for a Dasysyrphus sp. also, but there may be some lookalikes I'm unaware of!

15.5.2010 c9mm Wiltshire garden, UK.

Posted by nick upton on 26-06-2010 17:08

Profile view

Posted by nick upton on 03-07-2010 12:48

Close up of head in case it helps with ID.

Posted by nick upton on 13-01-2011 16:39

I'm adding some images to the gallery, and could add this one, but realise my ID of this syrphid hasn't been confirmed (or denied!). I'm pretty sure this has to be D. venustus and don't think there is another UK species it could be. The most similar European species I can find is D. lenensis but that has darker antennae, yellow marks not reaching the margin of the abdomen and isn't in the UK. Can anyone who knows syrphids well really sure of my ID, though?

Posted by Jason G on 14-01-2011 11:27

Hi Nick!

I'm pretty sure you're correct. D. hilaris is the confusion species here, which lacks the dark vertical facial band.

Take care,


Edited by Jason G on 14-01-2011 11:28

Posted by nick upton on 14-01-2011 16:23

Many thanks Jason. I'd ruled out D. hilaris already as the pics I found didn't look right and the specific character you mention adds weight to that. Really must get a syrphid key some time soon as O seem to take a lot of pics of them!..