Thread subject: :: Ephydridae, Dichaeta caudata

Posted by JariF on 23-06-2010 22:10

I got a lot of Ephydridae yesterday too. I believe this is Notiphila caudata with those long bristles. June 22. 2010 Loviisa, Finland


Edited by JariF on 24-06-2010 05:41

Posted by Paul Beuk on 23-06-2010 22:46

Dichaeta caudata, you can find it in the gallery at http://www.dipter...hoto_id=77.

Posted by JariF on 24-06-2010 05:41

Thank's Paul. Fos some reason it has the name Notiphila (Sg. Dichaeta) caudata in our list. Same species anyway :)


Posted by Tony Irwin on 24-06-2010 13:53

There is some disagreement as to whether Dichaeta deserves generic status - hence some lists use Dichaeta, some Notiphila