Thread subject: :: id ?

Posted by BubikolRamios on 23-06-2010 07:31

Body ~6-7 mm,black pattern on wings, with naked eye, spotted from far away, could not catch it right.

Posted by rvanderweele on 23-06-2010 07:55

A Chrysopilus male.

Posted by BubikolRamios on 23-06-2010 08:49

hmm , according to this:
it could be something close to Chrysopilus asiliformis
but, is then this:
wrong ?
Allso determined on this forum.

Edited by BubikolRamios on 23-06-2010 08:49

Posted by Paul Beuk on 23-06-2010 11:13

Chrysopilus nubecula I'd say.

Posted by BubikolRamios on 23-06-2010 11:42

probaly right, looking to galery images, green eyes means nothing as far as I can tell. Probably depend on light angle ?