Thread subject: :: Dolichopodidae, Dolichopus plumipes

Posted by JariF on 21-06-2010 20:46

June 20. 2010 Loviisa, Finland


Edited by JariF on 22-06-2010 04:34

Posted by Stefan Naglis on 21-06-2010 21:19

Dolichopus plumipes Scop.

Posted by JariF on 22-06-2010 04:34

Thank's Stefan


Posted by KWQ on 22-06-2010 05:47

Shouldn't D. plumipes male have plume-like thick hairs somewhere in its legs, like its name tells? They don't seem to be present here.

Posted by Roger Thomason on 22-06-2010 08:40

I think Jari has managed to photograph their defining feature edge on so they can't be seen, as in the right leg of this image in the Gallery.
Difficult skill that...;)

Posted by JariF on 22-06-2010 10:02

Yes, that is correct. The legs are in bad position so the nice long hairs are not visible. Must be more careful with next pictures so the critical parts are visible :|


Posted by Kahis on 22-06-2010 14:05

The black stripe on the dorsal surface of the the mid tibia is pretty characteristic for this species even if the plumose mid basitarsus isnt visible.