Thread subject: :: Zabrachia tenella AND minutissima?

Posted by viktor j nilsson on 18-06-2010 09:12

Hi y'all.

I have just recently understood that Z.minutissima is no longer the only species of Zabrachia to look for. Well, I've never found them before, so I haven't had any reason to. But now, in some window trap samples, I've found 1 Zabrachia male from an young, burned, dead pinetree and and 1male+2 females from an burned, dead birch. When I am looking at them I wonder if it could be that both species are present at this site? I've checked Stubbs and Drake's Soldierflies and their allies; and Dobrovskis (2004) paper on Ukrainian Pachygastrines (found at which has a very approximate key. Both stress the importance of the width of the postocular region, but I feel a bit uncertain of what exactly they mean and if this also applies to males (I think all females are Z.minutissima).

My guess is that Fig. 1 and Fig. 3 shows Z.minutissima, and Fig.2 shows Z.tenellum.
Could this be correct?

Posted by Paul Beuk on 18-06-2010 10:04

From what I can tell you are correct.

Posted by viktor j nilsson on 18-06-2010 12:12

Thanks Paul!

I haven't been able to find:

Krivosheina, N. P. & Rozkosny, R. 1985. Additional noted on Palaearctic Pachygasterinae (Diptera, Stratiomyidae). Acta ent. Bohemoslov. 82, 143-149.

You do not by any chance have this as pdf?
Otherwise I am quite satisfied with your verification...

Posted by Paul Beuk on 18-06-2010 16:32

Check your mail box. :D