Thread subject: :: Tachinidae, likes Aglais urticae larvae

Posted by amaira on 15-06-2010 20:44

Every year I have Aglais urticae caterpillars at the same place in my garden, and every year this fly hang around them. These flies are very intrested in the larvae, and the larvae doesn´t like them.
I suppose the fly parasiting on them.
Is it possible to say species?

Posted by amaira on 15-06-2010 20:45


Posted by amaira on 15-06-2010 20:45


Posted by amaira on 15-06-2010 20:46


Posted by amaira on 15-06-2010 20:48

I forgot: Picture taken 24 may 2010. 40 km NW Stockholm, Sweden

Posted by ChrisR on 15-06-2010 23:14

My first guess would be Pelatachina tibialis (or very similar species) - they are known Aglais utricae parasitoids. Nice photos :)

Posted by amaira on 16-06-2010 16:04

And thank you again, Chris!!

Posted by Zeegers on 21-06-2010 12:23

I can confirm Chris' 'guess'
