Thread subject: :: Brachypalpus ?

Posted by brigitteu on 13-06-2010 22:20


Could this be an Brachypalpus? Perhaps valgus, a male?

Switzerland, 764 müm, 05.06.2010, near border of a wood
it was a "big" Syrphidae, about 14 mm?

Thank you, Greetings from Switzerland, Brigitte

Edited by brigitteu on 13-06-2010 22:20

Posted by brigitteu on 13-06-2010 22:21

pic 2 on wood

Posted by Lukasz Mielczarek on 13-06-2010 22:45

Brachypalpus, looks like B. laphriformis

Posted by brigitteu on 13-06-2010 23:50

Thank you Lukasz!

Just now I saw that the hind tibiae is an important part . . .
best pic of it attached as "zoom". Is it angled ?? or not angled??

Best Regards, Brigitte

Edited by brigitteu on 13-06-2010 23:53

Posted by Lukasz Mielczarek on 14-06-2010 00:14

Another nice feature is on head. Male of B. valgus have eyes separated, in laphriformis conected.

Posted by brigitteu on 14-06-2010 22:29

Thank you Lukasz!

Thank you for this detail. I'm very happy to get right ID but to learn each time more and more is very well too :-) Thanks!

Best Regards, Brigitte