Thread subject: :: Dolichopodidae ?

Posted by peterbolson on 13-06-2010 11:38

From wet woodland. I think it belongs to Dolichopodidae but that is as far as I can get.
Thanks, Peter

Posted by peterbolson on 13-06-2010 11:38


Posted by Stefan Naglis on 13-06-2010 12:31

Dolichopus sp. female

Posted by peterbolson on 13-06-2010 14:13

Thanks Stefan.
A couple of questions if I may. How do you tell it belongs to the Dolichopus genus ? There are 15 species of Dolichops illustrated in the gallery - what features do I need to long at to identify them ( I can do plumipes & popularis ) ?

Posted by Stefan Naglis on 13-06-2010 15:39

Peter, for UK the best is to use the keys in d’Assis Fonseca 1978.

Posted by peterbolson on 13-06-2010 15:50

Stefan, unfortunately this is out of print.

Posted by oxycera on 13-06-2010 20:05

The bristles on the hind metatarsus are a good guide for Dolichopus. I thought the key had been reprinted. I would try Pemberley Books if you are interested.

Posted by peterbolson on 13-06-2010 23:56

Definately out of print. However I have downloaded Igor Grichanov's key from this site and found it very easy to use. This specimen comes out as female D.popularis, which fits well as I have found a lot of males from the same site.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 14-06-2010 09:49

I still have a spare copy: http://www.dipter...owstart=20