Thread subject: :: Tachinid?

Posted by nielsyese on 10-06-2010 19:43

Can someone tell me more about this fly? It looks like a tachinid, but I'm not sure. Some help is appreciated. Location: The Netherlands.

Posted by nielsyese on 10-06-2010 19:43

And a picture from the upper side

Posted by ChrisR on 10-06-2010 20:34

It looks a bit like a tachinid but I can't see enough detail to say much more :)

Posted by nielsyese on 17-06-2010 11:21

Does this help to this whether it's a tachinid or not?

Posted by nielsyese on 17-06-2010 11:22

Another one

Posted by ChrisR on 17-06-2010 12:49

Well, it's hard to make much out ... but I can't honestly say that I see any subscutellum - just the curve of the thorax where it meets the abdomen.

Posted by Zeegers on 21-06-2010 10:34

The pics are not razor-sharp, but it looks like Oebalia minuta to me. Thus Sarcophagidae Miltogramminae.

Change the title and wait for Liekele (or PM him)
