Thread subject: :: Platycheirus

Posted by kurt on 08-06-2010 19:23

This Platycheirus was 5-7 mm. Is it peltatus group ant could species be told from this only picture?

Photo from Ramsjö, Ångermanland, Sweden 62.53N 17.45 E 7 june 2010

Thanks for your help in advance


Kurt Holmqvist

Posted by Mark van Veen on 08-06-2010 20:41

My shot would be either P. peltatus or P. nielseni. I have not enough experience with the latter to identify it from a photo. Given tibia 2 (blackish, seems to have a distinct ventral swelling at 2/3rd of the length) I would say it is more nielseni than peltatus.

Posted by kurt on 09-06-2010 11:20

Thank you very much for your answer Mark.

I send a close up from this only photo to see if it possilbe to se more details.

Kurt Holmqvist