Thread subject: :: Tachinidae> Goniinae - Spallanzania?

Posted by nick upton on 07-06-2010 20:03

Another Tachinid from Corsica which i can't begin to suggest a genus for. Can anyone help?

4th June 2010 c 10mm feeding on umbels by a mountain stream at c400m altitude.

Edited by nick upton on 22-11-2010 21:00

Posted by nick upton on 07-06-2010 20:04

A more profiled view

Posted by nick upton on 07-06-2010 20:06

Another individual of - I think!.... - the same species at the same place, same time.

Posted by ChrisR on 07-06-2010 21:23

The first 2 photos show a Linnaemya (densely hairy eyes, protruding mouth edge & yellow basicosta) but it won't be possible to go further because there are too many very close species with black legs. :)

The third photo is clearly a different species - it has bare eyes and no protruding mouth edge. This third photo is much more interesting - I don't recognize it but it reminds me of a goniine (very wide frons and bristly parafacials) ... it needs Theo to look :) Do you have any other angles?

Edited by ChrisR on 07-06-2010 21:26

Posted by nick upton on 07-06-2010 23:06

OK, thanks Chris. Now I look closer I can see pic 3 is a different sp! At the time of shooting it was just another big, dark Tachinid which i naively assumed was the same... I may well have more shots of this one and will check my files and will add more angles if I find any.

Posted by ChrisR on 07-06-2010 23:58

Great - those erect scutellars, bold thoracic vitae, wide frons and bristly parafacial are really interesting :)

Posted by nick upton on 08-06-2010 11:21

This one, of course, didn't hang around for long and I have just 2 more pics, only one of them really sharply focused, but they do give a frontal view which may help.

Posted by nick upton on 08-06-2010 11:22

Final shot:

Posted by ChrisR on 08-06-2010 12:11

Oh yes - looks very goniine - something like Spallanzania but Theo would have a better guess - I'd need a specimen to confirm it :)

See the gallery here:

Posted by nick upton on 08-06-2010 22:10

Sorry, only digital evidence available... Hope it's enough for Theo if he gets a chance to look..

Posted by nick upton on 22-11-2010 21:03

As Theo is around and has been so helpful today with 2 other Corsican queries, I'm resurrecting this Linnaemya and Spallanzania? thread in case he can add anything to ChrisR's input to date..

Edited by nick upton on 22-11-2010 21:04

Posted by Zeegers on 22-11-2010 22:25

Linnaemyia and Spallanzania are my thoughts as well...

both very difficult genera, so that is were it ends without specimen on a needle.


Posted by nick upton on 22-11-2010 22:40

OK many thanks Theo for confirming Chris's astute genus IDs.