Thread subject: :: Tachinidae

Posted by Gordon Jar on 22-08-2006 19:31

This photo was taken on 22/08/06 in South East England.

I thought perhaps Meigenia Sp.


Regards Gordon

Posted by ChrisR on 23-08-2006 00:39

Exorista perhaps - and going by probability I'd guess rustica, but there's no scientific reasoning behind that guess. :D

Posted by Zeegers on 23-08-2006 18:28

if so (no science), then it must be pure talent,
because Exorista likely near rustica would be my guess as well for the upper two pictures.
The lower two, I don't know, might be something else

(and Chris: it are those descending frontal bristles that are very distinctive jizz. So: it is experience, in your case)

Theo Zeegers

Posted by Gordon Jar on 23-08-2006 19:34

Thankyou very much Chris and Theo.

I was sure they were all of the same fly. However it did move during the photographing process. So if you tell me there are two species it is a case that the fly is quicker than the eye.



Posted by Zeegers on 23-08-2006 22:25

Hi Gordon,

It could be the same fly. I just stated that I was quite sure on the first 2, and less on the last. However, I did not mean to say that I was sure they were different


Posted by ChrisR on 23-08-2006 23:38

Thx Theo, actually it was a reasoned guess, based on those facial brisles, the colour of the head (white with mustard frons) and all those white hairs behind the head :D Also, I think they are all the same species - or at least they all remind me of E.rustica from the jizz.

Edited by ChrisR on 23-08-2006 23:45