Thread subject: :: ID help please

Posted by Basil Crowley on 06-06-2010 00:06

Can anyone help me identify this insect please. Size around 10mm ish. Place S England. Time: yesterday. The photograph is of a live specimen which ventured indoors.

The thorax has a distinct coppery sheen in some photos, but those femurs, especially the hind ones, are perhaps among the most distinctive features. I have searched for anything like it, but have drawn a complete blank.

Another pic to follow...

Posted by Basil Crowley on 06-06-2010 00:07

Second image

Posted by Roger Thomason on 06-06-2010 01:22

Syrphidae; male Xylota segnis :)

Edited by Roger Thomason on 06-06-2010 01:29

Posted by Basil Crowley on 06-06-2010 23:01

Indeed it is. Thank you Roger. :)

Posted by Paul Beuk on 06-06-2010 23:12

You can even make out the spines under the hind femora are in two rows!

Posted by Basil Crowley on 07-06-2010 13:31

I'd be happy to submit these photos to the gallery, if they meet the standard required.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 07-06-2010 22:31

Submit away. :D