Thread subject: :: Dolichopodidae > Neurigona sp.

Posted by valter on 05-06-2010 19:38

Location: Algarve, Portugal
Date: May 2010


Edited by valter on 14-03-2011 20:19

Posted by Paul Beuk on 05-06-2010 20:21

Looks like Sciapus, Dolichopodidae.

Posted by valter on 05-06-2010 20:37

In Portugal there is only Sciapus glaucescens :)

Posted by Igor Grichanov on 06-06-2010 12:48

I'd say Neurigona

Posted by Paul Beuk on 06-06-2010 23:04

You are the specialist! :D

Posted by valter on 14-03-2011 20:18

Neurigona biflexa ?

In Portugal there is only 1 species!


Posted by Marc Pollet on 15-03-2011 01:22

Dear Valter,

One advice: collect the specimen and get it identified by a specialist. There are both in Neurigona and Sciapus species with yellow abdominal tergites and there are a lot of dolichopodid species to be found in Portugal that are not yet recorded (actually, Portugal proved to be one of the most undersampled of all Western European countries, cfr. Pollet, 2007).


Posted by Stefan Naglis on 15-03-2011 08:45

I think it is a female of Neurigona based on the following visible characters: mesonotum with a flattened area in front of scutellum (not present in Sciapus); fore femur without strong spine-like ventral setae in females (present in Sciapus).
