Thread subject: :: Big syrphidae ?

Posted by Pentti Ketola on 31-05-2010 21:29

can anyone suggest a species this syrphidae?
I take the photo on 31.5.2010 Vaasa Finland.
Regards Pentti

Posted by Roger Thomason on 31-05-2010 21:44

Looks like a female Eristalis tenax

Posted by Pentti Ketola on 31-05-2010 22:17


Posted by Stephen R on 01-06-2010 22:50

I don't think it can be E. tenax, which has a wide facial stripe.
What about Eristalis rupium, which has the hind metatarsus pale?


Posted by Pentti Ketola on 04-06-2010 19:06

Lateral view.

Edited by Pentti Ketola on 04-06-2010 19:07

Posted by Menno Reemer on 05-06-2010 17:22

Seems to be Eristalis alpina.

Posted by Pentti Ketola on 05-06-2010 18:45

Thank you Menno!
Lateral view