Thread subject: :: Tiny mystery fly - Sphaeroceridae
Posted by Sandy on 29-05-2010 17:49
This also was found on ground-elder.
Edited by Sandy on 04-10-2010 07:08
Posted by Roger Thomason on 29-05-2010 18:03
Sphaeroceridae; a job for someone with a microscope :|.
Posted by Sandy on 30-05-2010 00:29
Thanks Roger that's a start :)
Posted by Paul Beuk on 31-05-2010 10:50
Copromyizinae. Seems a bit bare, so I hesitate to put a genus name on it. Any chance you might obtain a specimen for ID?
Posted by Sandy on 01-06-2010 23:48
Thanks Paul, I may try and get a better shot. I'm not into the specimen collecting I'm afraid. I get a "buzz" if you pardon the pun, from getting a "good" shot :)